We are carrying out a wide range of legal service delivery, capacity building and research activities. A family counselling course, legal literacy and awareness camps and some right to information and public interest litigation initiatives are the main hallmark of our legal empowerment work.

The following are the salient features of our varied past and contemporary socio-legal activities:

  • Bringing pro bono pre-litigation legal counselling service and assistance in post-litigation period at the doorstep of poor and disadvantage victims and litigants through district and subdivision level legal aid clinics organized as mean of alternative dispute resolution;
  • Providing legal and psychological counselling services at the Family Counselling Centre located at LASWEB’s central office in Kolkata;
  • Holding an annual counselling course for spreading legal literacy and awareness mainly among student of law and social science, police personnel, housewives, lawyer and other group of interested lay persons through package of instructions in law, sociology, psychology and physiology.
  • Leading and assisting grassroot-level social activists and human service functionaries in matter of filling RTI applications to ensure accountability of government agencies, offices and departments responsible for mismanagement and bungling of welfare and development project/programme;
  • Using public interest litigation as an instrument of legal empowerment in matters of prisoners’ rights, environmental justice and implementation of state-funded anti-poverty programmes in semi-urban and rural areas;
  • Sensitization of members of the subordinate judiciary and lower magistracy to the need for and modalities;


Registered Office : 10/1, Keyatala Lane (Ground Floor), Kolkata - 700029

Registration No. : S/32018 of 1981-1982

[Registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961]

Permanent Account No. : AAAAL0345E

Tax Deduction Account No. : CALL01262C

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